Established in 1951 and based at Helensburgh Pier, the club needed more space and moved, first to "The Hangars", and then in 1959 to its present site north of Kidston Park. The club's early history is well-documented here. The original clubhouse was built in 1968 and withstood the elements until the Great Tidal Surge in 1991. It staggered on, lovingly patched up, until a decision to rebuild in 2008 ... two metres higher than before! The new clubhouse was opened on 27th June 2009 by (at the time) RYA Olympic Team Manager Stephen Park, OBE, an Honorary Commodore of HSC. The other Honorary Commodores are Mike McIntyre (Olympic Gold Medallist in the Star class in 1988) and Emma Sanderson (nee Richards) of Round the World Alone fame. All learned their skills at HSC.
Club Information
We now have excellent changing and showering facilities plus a large clubroom with bar and kitchen and open wifi/broadband. Solar panels, LED lighting and underfloor heating provide creature comforts without punishing the environment. HSC was Scotland's first Volvo Championship Club, and boasts a thriving membership and a keen RYA Training Section. Many of its one-time dinghy enthusiasts have, with advancing years, moved to yachts and participate in East Patch Racing (organised jointly with RNCYC) as well as in the Clyde and West Coast circuit organised by the Clyde Yacht Clubs' Association.
The clubhouse is open (PIN code access) from 09.30 until sunset from 1st April until the end of the schools October break; otherwise during office hours and at weekends. The bar is open after racing on Wednesdays and early evening (from 16.45) on Sundays. Dinghy Park and Moorings access is available 24/7 and ample car parking is available for use by members.